Peaceful Sleep by SHISA YOSHIMI
Oct 14 - 20, Reception: Oct 17, 6-8PM
Japanese artist born in Osaka in 1990. This exhibition will be held at the end of a two-week live and paint in New York period.
Shisa’s works are seemingly strange abstract paintings that use salt crystals, spilled tea stains, spices, cosmetics, sound of sleeping breath, fortune, etc. as her materials. On the canvas, they are combined with big questions such as humankind’s common memory, probability, peace, beginning of words and of the world, and let it be life-size and playful self-explanatory answers.
Some of the works change their appearance over time, likes creatures. Enjoy ripening paintings with the passage of time and through interaction of chance and inevitability, abstract and concrete, organic and inorganic, natural and artificial.